10 Reasons your Marketing Plan Should Go Beyond Social Media

Social media is a relatively new kid on the block regarding marketing. Providing businesses with a low barrier of entry and cost with enticing conversion rates. The days of the influencer are upon us with notable internet celebrity packing a significant marketing punch.

While some may be ready to push their chips all in on Social Media marketing, we implore you to consider these ten vital reasons to extend your marketing beyond the confines of a selfie made platform.

1. Declining Reach

You can’t blame us for reaching for the sky. With our heads and pictures securely floating in the nebulous cloud, it is only natural to latch on to the supported platforms. Driven to popularity by an unprecedented engagement rate Social Media marketing is an enticing avenue. Though 2019 has shown that the avenue may be shrinking. Organic traffic to marketing posts is in a steady decline impacting your overall reach.

https://griffonwebstudios.com/10-reasons-your-marketing-plan-should-go-beyond-social-media/2. Crowded Market

Have you ever braved a trip to the brick and mortar stores on Black Friday? Surrounded on every side by people trying to get their hands on the same products as you, with hardly enough room to breathe?  Social Media marketing suffers from overcrowding, as more and more competitors join the platform it can be harder to establish a presence.

3. Attention Retention

Social Media marketing remains a viable method of grabbing audience attention. However, recent studies have shown a decrease in awareness retention when compared to other marketing methods.

4. The View from a Blind Eye

As consumers become more familiar with Social Media marketing, they become more adept at turning a blind eye. They are able to tune out unwanted advertisements at an increasingly effective rate, impacting conversions and the efficiency that once championed the platform.

5. Increasing Cost

A steady increase in cost to operate Social Media campaigns is a direct result of their effectiveness. Unfortunately, as previously stated that effectiveness has seen a substantial dip over the past year. Making the cost per conversion closer to direct marketing competitors.

6. Lack of Brand Loyalty

The enamored effect earned by an inspired ad seldom lasts. A recently conducted poll points toward millennial disinterest in brand loyalty. They are inspired by the product of the moment rather than the company behind it.

7. Long-term Promotion

Retaining significant mindshare over a lasting period of time is the goal of every marketing campaign. However, Social Media Marketing is highly susceptible to rapid decreases in efficiency over time. Making long-term promotion an expensive undertaking.

8. Social Media Push-back

2019 has been a historic year of inspired movements gaining momentum. While many great causes have found increased awareness, Social Media marketers should be cautious. Millennials have expressed a desire to move on from prominent social platforms. A troubling development for those relying on the platform as their sole source of marketing.   

9.  The Double-edged Sword, Brand Image

While Social Media Marketing has proven an invaluable tool in the hands of professionals, it can be equally as detrimental to inexperienced users. One mistake can destroy your brand.

10. Tired Marketing Strategy

Social Media marketing runs rampant with copied marketing strategies. Businesses are looking to emulate the success of a competitor by emulating their every move. This practice has led to redundancy within the industry. Utilizing a rinse, wash, repeat template of uninspired marketing methods.

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