Beyond Clicks and Conversions: Measuring Brand Engagement in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a never-ending labyrinth of trial and error to best deliver your core messaging and identity so that they appeal to the unique pain points of your target audience. That requires a lot of innovation, and brand building is crucial to ensure you are reaching your goals.

The purpose of brand building is to boost your online presence and also to develop high-end customer relationships that bleed loyalty into their personal lives. It involves engaging with customers on a more intimate level so they spread positive word of mouth everywhere they go.

Finding a way to correctly measure that impact is a whole different beast altogether.

Our team at Griffon Webstudios wants to boost your ability to measure brand engagement by providing some solid metrics you should already be tracking.


Social Media Engagement

The vast majority of online users are engaged in social media in one way or another. This could be a vibrant TikTok account following niche influencers or a simple YouTube account to get access to “how to” videos for car maintenance.

You can track this brand building through things like:

    • Number of followers to your various accounts.
    • Engagement through likes, shares, and interactions whenever you post or place an advert.
    • The different number and quality of comments on any posts you put on a platform.
    • The number of mentions or hashtags used with your brand name in the title.


Branded Keywords

Search data comes in all shapes and sizes. An excellent way to cut through this deluge of information is having branded terms. If you are Starbucks, a Venti Hot Latte may be a term you use to gauge the strength of your current building efforts. You want to monitor:

    • How your brand keywords are ranking on different platforms and search engines.
    • If there are any product/service-related keywords you can use to boost your presence.
    • Any PPC ads you’re running using these branded keywords.

Customer Referrals and Recommendations

An excellent way to determine if your brand building efforts have succeeded is if your current or target customers are referring you to their friends, family members, peers, and coworkers.

Always identify those external websites that are directing traffic back to your landing pages. If you have a referral program already in use (affiliate programs, non-funded, etc.), then measure participation rates.

Both of these metrics will demonstrate current and future customer loyalty.

Repeat Customers

The more your customers choose to repeat business with your brand, the greater your ability to reach and target their pain points. If your brand resonates well with your target audience, you will see these numbers as the most relevant to your current brand building.

Brand Asset Use

Many online brands have “freebies” like downloadable eBooks or guides that help customers succeed. Tracking how often these items are downloaded and used is a good metric to your ability to penetrate the marketplace.

We Can Help

Using these different metrics, you’ll begin to create a solid image of how well your brand building strategies are working. You can then adjust and retrain any such tactics so they reach your target audience in the most efficient way possible.

Our team at Griffon Webstudios can help! We have years of experience operating in the website design/development and digital marketing space. Our experts know what metrics matter the most to boost the reach and success of your online branding. Give us a call today and let’s schedule a time to discuss your future branding goals.

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