How To Make Search Engines Fall In Love With Your Website
One of the most reliable ways to increase your site’s ranking with popular search engines is to correctly set up the layout and website architecture. The goal is to make the website so easy to navigate that visitors experience little resistance to exploring deeper and finding relevant content related to their search. If your website is just a collection of random ideas and not easily laid out, it makes it a lot harder to understand, leading to higher bounce rates and lower page ranking. Here are some tips to help boost your website architecture and improve search ranking with platforms like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Improve Your Navigation Make your navigation the simplest thing in the world. Do you have a menu that clearly lays out where to find information on the website? Remember that today’s fast-paced visitor doesn’t want to overthink anything. They want to get directly to the information they need with as few barriers as possible. This includes making your URL as simple as you can. This makes it easier to remember and more logical. If you sell black puppy shoes, maybe go with something like: www.mystore.com/petshoes/blackpuppyshoes. The 3-Click Rule This is the practice where critical information