
Griffon Webstudios

What is Meta Pixel Code, and How Does It Work for Your Website?

Formerly known as Facebook Pixel, the Meta Pixel is a tiny bit of code you insert into your website (either through a .doc file or a plugin) to track different activities. Learning more about visitor behavior is essential so you can better optimize various marketing and advertising strategies. What is the Meta Pixel Code? The actual “code” of the Meta Pixel is written in a programming language called JavaScript. This is what will track the different actions your website visitors take. For example, if a large number of visitors click on a product but never purchase through the “Buy Now” button, you can learn what is distracting them. How Does the Meta Pixel Work? The way this JavaScript snippet of code works is by gathering information about your visitors through cookies and other essential data. Everything from the number of page views to your new product listing to the form submissions for your contact page to the button clicks for promotions are documented. You can use these collected datapoints to customize new audiences or even retarget campaigns to capture mildly warm leads that may still be on the fence. You can insert the base code of the Pixel into your

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Griffon Webstudios

How to Share GoDaddy Account Access with Team Members

GoDaddy has over 20 million customers from around the globe, actively registering new domains and building websites for a wide range of purposes. Setting up a website through GoDaddy is simple and offers users of every level an online presence. Adding a user to this experience helps you streamline operations. Step 1: Log In to Your GoDaddy Account Open your web browser and visit GoDaddy’s official website. Click on the Sign In button in the upper-right corner of the page. Enter your Username/Customer ID and Password, then click Sign In. Step 2: Access the Delegation Settings Once logged in, click on your Profile Icon (top-right corner of the dashboard). From the dropdown menu, select Account Settings. In the Account Settings menu, find and click on Delegate Access. Step 3: Add a Delegate 1. On the Delegate Access page, click the Invite to Access button. 2. Enter the Name and Email Address of the person you want to delegate access to. 3. Select the appropriate Access Level from the dropdown menu: • Products & Domains: Allows access to manage products and domains only. • Products, Domains & Purchase: Allows full access, including purchasing. Step 4: Invite to Access After selecting the

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Griffon Webstudios

How to Add a User to Google Search Console: A Step-by-Step Guide

Google Search Console helps you understand how to improve your site by checking it through the lens of Google Search results metrics. It is essential to rise in the ranks of search results your target audience enters. Here are some steps to adding a team member to your console. Step 1: Log into the Google Search Console Most Google accounts will already have access to the search console. Enter your username and password, and you’ll be in. Step 2: Find Your Settings Click on the property (website) to which you wish to add users and click on the Settings tab. That is where you’ll find various user accounts and permissions. Step 3: Add a User You can click on the “Add User” button in those Settings. That will pop up a prompt. This is at the top of the page with the already confirmed users for the property. Step 4: Enter in Email Addresses The prompt will include entering a verifiable email address. It will have to be a Google email account to work properly. Step 5: Assign Permissions The final step is to ensure you have given proper permission to that user. For example, if they are to have

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Griffon Webstudios

How to Add a New User to Your Google Analytics Account

Google Analytics is essential for better understanding your user behaviors and how to streamline your website for higher performance metrics. However, you may not want to do all the work yourself. Hiring a professional or adding a team member requires increasing the number of people who can “manage” your account. Step 1: Access Your Google Analytics You’ll need to first log into your Google Analytics account and attach it to your various website properties. Once done, head over to your Admin panel, and you’ll find property settings. Step 2: Select the Right Property for Your Account You’ll want to designate which account property you wish to add users to manage. You’ll know if you’re not in your Admin section because you won’t have access to adding additional users. Step 3: Find Account Settings Under the Account Settings section, you’ll want to click on “Account Access Management” or “Property Access Management.” Not only will you be able to add a new user, but you will also configure their access capability level. Step 4: Select Your Users You can now add as many other users as you wish to your property settings. That will require you to have their correct email address

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Griffon Webstudios

Getting Started with WordPress: A Beginner’s Guide to the Backend

The backend of WordPress refers to the “structural elements” you use to build a webpage, post a blog article, or include fun features through plugins. These are crucial to operating a streamlined and effective WordPress website. Here are some quick tips to help you navigate the system.     Step 1: Log into Your Dashboard First, log into your dashboard through your host provider’s link or the admin web address. That is usually found at https://yourdomainname.com/wp-admin. You’ll need your username and password, which will take you to the intuitive menu of management tools.     Step 2: Explore Key Features Start by getting to know your dashboard menu. You can find Posts where you create blog content, Pages for static information like a contact page, and the Appearance tab to personalize the theme and visual aesthetic.     Step 3: Manage Plugin & Settings Plugins improve the functionality of your WordPress website. You use plugins to install, activate, or deactivate various tools. You can also visit the Settings tab to configure your website title, permalink structure, and general preferences.   Step 4: Create and Publish Content Try using the Posts tab and click on “Add New” to create a new

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