Foolproof Marketing Strategy for Your Business

Foolproof Marketing Plan & Strategy for Your Business

If you want to grow your business in the modern online marketplace, you need to develop robust marketing strategies that go beyond SEO. There are some essential elements your website and online presence must have to compete with the hundreds and possibly thousands of businesses in your particular niche. It all begins with setting up a strong marketing strategy that explains the ins and outs of your target goal and the steps you will take to achieve success.

The Base Model

1- Summarize and Identify

Start by outlining your business model with the details you already know but may not be clearly conveyed to your customers. For example, what is your name, location info, contact points, mission statement, philosophy, and values? Do you present this information to your customers in a transparent and conducive way so they can quickly understand how and what you are?

2- What are Your Goals?

You cannot work towards a goal if you haven’t defined it yet. What is the marketing initiative you hope to achieve in the short and long term? What key performance indicators will let you know you’ve reached specific benchmarks like sales revenue, website traffic, and conversion rates?

3- Who is Your Target Market?

Time to get out the data-driven insights and define your target market, high-value customers, competition, and overall niche analysis. You need to know the demographics of everyone involved in your customer journey.

4- Time to Strategize

Now it is time for the meat of the project. How are you going to reach those target customers with the least and most engagement potential? What channels will be leveraged the most to entice them to interact with your brand?

5- Budget Everything

It is way too easy to go over budget when working on a new marketing strategy because you can see the potential value you are going to bring into the business. Take your time and follow a strict budget, so your overall operating costs do not end up fluctuating beyond your control.

Would You Like a Checklist?

You’ve developed a strong plan, but what suggestions for different marketing strategies? Here are a few of the ideas and tips that have worked well for businesses in the past:

  1. Leverage market trends
  2. Identify customer value points
  3. Improve your distribution channels
  4. Create buyer personas
  5. Profile your competitors
  6. Categorize market segments
  7. Prioritize which customers to target first
  8. Include comprehensive customer touchpoints (social media, website, email, etc.)
  9. Adjust your pricing
  10. Set precise sales forecasts that are communicated to everyone on your team
  11. Increase your SEO, SEM, and PPC plans
  12. Have a modern mobile responsive website
  13. User generated content and personalization

There are many, many more ideas, but that is an excellent place to get started. Of course, the best way to implement a new marketing strategy is to hire the SEO experts at Griffon Webstudios.

We have years of experience developing high-performing marketing strategies for businesses across all industries. Working with our marketing and design team is an excellent place to establish a solid marketing campaign for your business’s future growth. Give us a call today and schedule a consultation. You will see how quickly your team shifts into high gear to improve your business potential.

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