Proven Ways to Improve Your Website Performance

Proven Ways to Improve Your Website Performance

The number of people entering the side hustle of the online business sector is astounding. The recent global pandemic has forced many people to entertain ideas of creating their own e-commerce storefront, which means a lot of competition online. If you want to grow your business into something that will last more than a couple of months, you need to utilize as many tips and tricks as possible to enhance your website optimization.

The state of the current market is the faster your site can load across multiple platforms and screen sizes, the better the response will be from your target market. If you want to be one of the top results that consumers receive from search engines, you need highly relevant and engaging information that quickly loads when they click on your link. Here are a few of our tips for excellent website optimization.


1. Optimize Your Images

Having fun and engaging photos and images across your site is not enough. You also need to make sure those images are not so bulky in size or dimensions that it takes them forever to load. You need to utilize tools and plug-ins that optimize your image sizes. This increases website page load times, boost conversions, increases user engagement, and elevates your SEO ranking.


2. Fix Broken Links

The Internet is a volatile space where websites are being uploaded and taken off-line on a minute-by-minute basis. If your website has many broken links leading to articles or sources that are no longer there, your overall SERP rank will downgrade. Not to mention customers don’t want to click on the link that leads to nothing. It makes you look unprofessional or, at the very least, shows that you are not paying enough attention to your own website.


3. Mobile First Design

Plan on the majority of your consumers and potential leads to be using a mobile device when viewing your website. That means you need to test your website across all types of devices and optimize for mobile screens. Even the code should be managed so that it is mobile-first prioritized.


4. Engage a CDN

A content delivery network, sometimes called a CDN, is a way of spreading out your media files onto servers worldwide. It can drastically save you bandwidth, which allows more users to engage with your website at faster speeds. That way, when a visitor from Germany is viewing your website, they see files that are physically located closer to where they’re accessing your site. This also helps increase your security by spreading your resources, making you less susceptible to DDoS attacks and traffic spikes.


5. Revisit Hosting Options

Now is a good time to look at your hosting plan and see if there isn’t some leeway for increased speeds. Many hosts are currently in a highly competitive market. They are offering great deals on upgraded plans for significant cost savings. A little boost in your current hosting plan can make a big difference if you suddenly get a giant spike in consumer visitation. You always want to have the least amount of downtime possible with your website optimization.

There are so many other tips and chicks that we could describe that could fill a book. The easiest way to take advantage of many of the tools needed to increase your website optimization is to schedule a consult from our expert team at Griffon Webstudios.

We have spent years working in the fast-paced New York City market improving websites and getting businesses into an online situation where their brand is highly recognized by the broadest target market. Reach out to our expert team today or visit us online to learn more about how we can transform your online presence.

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