Beyond Clicks and Conversions

Beyond Clicks and Conversions: Measuring Brand Engagement in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a never-ending labyrinth of trial and error to best deliver your core messaging and identity so that they appeal to the unique pain points of your target audience. That requires a lot of innovation, and brand building is crucial to ensure you are reaching your goals.

The purpose of brand building is to boost your online presence and also to develop high-end customer relationships that bleed loyalty into their personal lives. It involves engaging with customers on a more intimate level so they spread positive word of mouth everywhere they go.

Finding a way to correctly measure that impact is a whole different beast altogether.

Our team at Griffon Webstudios wants to boost your ability to measure brand engagement by providing some solid metrics you should already be tracking.


Social Media Engagement

The vast majority of online users are engaged in social media in one way or another. This could be a vibrant TikTok account following niche influencers or a simple YouTube account to get access to “how to” videos for car maintenance.

You can track this brand building through things like:

    • Number of followers to your various accounts.
    • Engagement through likes, shares, and interactions whenever you post or place an advert.
    • The different number and quality of comments on any posts you put on a platform.
    • The number of mentions or hashtags used with your brand name in the title.


Branded Keywords

Search data comes in all shapes and sizes. An excellent way to cut through this deluge of information is having branded terms. If you are Starbucks, a Venti Hot Latte may be a term you use to gauge the strength of your current building efforts. You want to monitor:

    • How your brand keywords are ranking on different platforms and search engines.
    • If there are any product/service-related keywords you can use to boost your presence.
    • Any PPC ads you’re running using these branded keywords.

Customer Referrals and Recommendations

An excellent way to determine if your brand building efforts have succeeded is if your current or target customers are referring you to their friends, family members, peers, and coworkers.

Always identify those external websites that are directing traffic back to your landing pages. If you have a referral program already in use (affiliate programs, non-funded, etc.), then measure participation rates.

Both of these metrics will demonstrate current and future customer loyalty.

Repeat Customers

The more your customers choose to repeat business with your brand, the greater your ability to reach and target their pain points. If your brand resonates well with your target audience, you will see these numbers as the most relevant to your current brand building.

Brand Asset Use

Many online brands have “freebies” like downloadable eBooks or guides that help customers succeed. Tracking how often these items are downloaded and used is a good metric to your ability to penetrate the marketplace.

We Can Help

Using these different metrics, you’ll begin to create a solid image of how well your brand building strategies are working. You can then adjust and retrain any such tactics so they reach your target audience in the most efficient way possible.

Our team at Griffon Webstudios can help! We have years of experience operating in the website design/development and digital marketing space. Our experts know what metrics matter the most to boost the reach and success of your online branding. Give us a call today and let’s schedule a time to discuss your future branding goals.

How Effective Web Design Contributes to Successful Brand Building

How Effective Web Design Contributes to Successful Brand Building

If you want to remain competitive in today’s marketplace, you must have a digital presence. Even essential services like electric companies or waste management services rely on websites for better customer interactions and updates on outages or storm damage.

As a business, you want a centralized location that differentiates your operations from the competition. Where brand building is cultivating a consistent message using images, videos, and copy to support your initiatives, you are able to better manage customer relationships. Through brand building, you are fostering trust that you are who you say you are and can deliver on your organization’s promises.

Web Design in Branding

One of the most crucial tools in this initiative is a website. Web design is more than where you put the contact form for your customers. When the website is professionally designed, mobile responsive, and streamlined for your brand identity, it creates a memorable experience that ensures your visitors, clients, stakeholders, and anyone else pass on to their friends, family, coworkers, and acquaintances online and off.

At the core of this is branding. You want consistent logos, colors, and copy that reinforce your values. Every single element on your digital profile must be aligned with your branding. From the typography you use on an FAQ page to the layout for mobile users, you want to create a narrative that informs people about your business, encourages long-term engagement, and converts leads to loyal brand ambassadors.

The Perfect Balance

So, how does a web design team like ours at Griffon Webstudios accomplish this balancing act between brand and web design?

  • Help create the framework for your business to establish a strong brand identity that stands out from the competition, so you get more visitation.
  • Build trust and credibility through a professional, mobile responsive design demonstrating your active online community participation.
  • Enhances your target audience’s experience with your brand by shaping how they interact with the unique attributes and values you wish to present (consistent visuals, intuitive navigation, etc.).
  • Strengthening the connection between you and the audience by focusing on a positive experience through your website (aligned with your branding).

There are plenty of other examples, like driving your marketing goals through consistency and brand recognition. The better you can help support those positive emotions viewers have about your website, the more likely they will “recall” your brand in an effective way when they need your products or services.

66% of people prefer to look at a beautifully designed website if given 15 minutes to consume content- WebFX

At the end of the day, it all comes back to ensuring your brand is represented professionally, cleanly, and user-friendly. This way, prospective partners and clients can access the information they need to complete a sale or initiate a conversation.

The Challenge

The challenge is that the online world is constantly evolving. You never know when a passing digital trend becomes an industry standard. In these cases, you do not want to leave your branding initiatives to someone without the experience needed for a rewarding online experience.

If you want a fully supported website aligned with your current brand-building identity and online presence, reach out to our team at Griffon Webstudios. We operate in the heart of New York and are acutely aware of the importance brand plays in developing a fully immersive website. Give us a call today, and let’s schedule a consultation for your needs!

Leveraging Sentiment Analysis for Effective Marketing Campaigns

Leveraging Sentiment Analysis for Effective Marketing Campaigns

Ever tried to crack the mystery of the enigmatic Mona Lisa smile or unravel the depths of emotion beneath a firm, unblinking gaze? Imagine applying a similar lens of understanding to your website, marketing campaigns, or customers’ emotions. That, in a nutshell, is sentiment analysis.


Understanding how your customers feel about your brand and online activities goes a long way to inform your decision-making. You don’t want to disrespect a potential lead due to natural demographics or lean into feelings of excitement for a new bug prevention system when it should be focused on helping and informing. The fact is that emotional resonance with your brand matters.


Photo by Ron Lach from Pexels:


Your Customers Are Speaking, But Are You Truly Listening?

We live in an era where most customer data is unstructured, and this figure is expected to hit eighty percent by 2025. That’s like standing in front of a chaotic whirlpool of information. The challenge is navigating through this chaos, inferring meaning from the unstructured data, and translating it into insights that can be actioned upon.


Enter sentiment analysis, the knight in shining armor that tames this wild data beast. Using machine learning (ML) and natural language processing (NLP), sentiment analysis takes customer feedback and neatly categorizes it by emotional tone: positive, negative, or neutral. This crucial insight helps businesses understand their customers better and make more informed decisions.


A Real-Time Check on the Customer’s Pulse

Let’s dive into an example. Remember the last time you ordered something online, and it didn’t meet your expectations? You probably took to social media or the company’s website to express disappointment. Now, imagine thousands of similar complaints pouring in every day. It’s a potential nightmare for any customer-service team.

If the company’s customer service is excellent, 78% of consumers will do business with them again after a mistake. (Salesforce)

With sentiment analysis, businesses can quickly identify and address negative feedback. This approach allows them to tackle poor customer experiences promptly, prevent potential brand damage, and turn disgruntled customers into loyal ones.


The Power of Personalization: Boosting Business Performance

Emotions in marketing aren’t just about damage control. They’re also about capitalizing on the positive. Analyzing customer sentiment towards different products and services allows businesses to identify the ones their customers love the most.

70% of viewers who experienced an intense emotional response to an ad were very likely to buy the product.


These insights are gold when it comes to product-recommendation systems. Recommendations considering sentiment intensity led to customer satisfaction, as opposed to random suggestions. Now, that’s an emotional connection worth leveraging!



Reducing Customer Churn with Emotionally Intelligent Messaging

The 2022 CRM Impact Report highlighted an average global customer-churn rate of thirty-two percent. It further pointed out that eighty-three percent of marketing managers attributed this high rate to poor customer communication and irrelevant messaging.


Understanding your customers’ emotional states allows you to communicate better, provide more relevant messaging, and offer superior customer service. This approach ultimately leads to happier customers and reduced churn.


Time to Check In With Your Customers’ Emotions?

So, we’ve seen the power of sentiment analysis in tapping into customers’ emotions. It helps you hear unspoken words, see unseen emotions, and take action that resonates with your customers. But the real question is, are you ready to incorporate feelings in marketing?


To give it a whirl, contact us at Griffon Webstudios. Our expert team will help you explore modern SEO techniques and transform your online advertising and marketing efforts. Remember, your customers are not just numbers. They’re humans with emotions that can be learned from to boost your online brand presence and marketing campaigns.

How To Find the Right Digital Marketing Agency for Your Business

How To Find the Right Digital Marketing Agency for Your Business

If you own a business, then you know that digital marketing is integral to your success. After all, without digital marketing, it can be hard to reach new customers and build brand recognition. But with so many digital marketing agencies out there, how do you choose the right one? Don’t worry—we’ve got some tips to help make sure you find the best digital marketing agency for your business.

The global digital advertising and marketing market was estimated at $350 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $786.2 billion by 2026.

Understand Your Needs

Before you even begin looking at different agencies, it’s important to understand what your exact needs are. What kind of services are you looking for? Do you need help managing social media accounts? Are you looking for assistance with SEO strategy or content development? Knowing exactly what services will best benefit your business will make finding an agency much easier.

Scope & Specialty

The next step is to consider what type of digital marketing your business requires and which agency specializes in that particular area. Different agencies may specialize in SEO, PPC campaigns, content creation or social media management. You should also consider whether a full-service digital marketing agency would be better suited for your needs than one which specializes in a single service or tactic. Make sure that whatever agency you choose has experience working with businesses similar to yours so that they can bring their expertise and knowledge to your project.

72% of overall marketing budgets get put towards digital marketing channels.

Evaluate Performance Metrics

When considering which digital marketing agency to use, it is essential to evaluate their performance metrics. Look at their past successes and review how they achieved them so that you can get an idea of how they approach projects similar to yours. It is also useful to ask potential agencies how they measure success and if they are able to provide data that demonstrates their results over time. This helps ensure that you get a clear understanding of their capabilities before committing to them as a partner for your business’s digital marketing efforts.

Budget & Value

Finally, it’s essential that you come up with a budget before selecting an agency and make sure that they are willing to work within it. Don’t forget to factor in any additional costs such as software licenses, hosting fees etc., as this could add significantly to the cost of an agency’s services over time. It’s important to remember that while cost should be taken into account when searching for an agency, value should always be prioritized over price—you want quality results from your chosen partner and those don’t come cheap!

The average local business puts 5-10% of its revenue towards its digital marketing budget, but for larger businesses, that number can climb to about 14%.

Choosing the right digital marketing agency can be overwhelming—but if done right, it can be incredibly beneficial for your business! Making sure that the agency understands your needs and has experience working with similar businesses is key when picking the perfect one for your company. With these steps in mind, we hope this guide helps make navigating the sea of available digital marketing agencies a bit simpler! Good luck!

Why Content Marketing is a Reliable Strategy for Your Business

Why Content Marketing is a Reliable Strategy for Your Business

Content marketing is a reliable strategy for any business, big or small. It has the potential to drastically increase your brand visibility and reputation online, as well as drive more leads into your sales funnel.

The best part? With content marketing, you don’t have to spend lots of money on expensive ads or other forms of advertising. Instead, you can create engaging content that speaks directly to your target audience — all while building trust with them over time, so they want to do business with you. Other benefits include:

1. Lowers Bounce Rate

Your bounce rate is one of the first metrics you’ll want to look at when determining what type of content your audience is consuming. The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that leave your site without visiting any other pages.

This means that if visitors come to your site and leave without clicking on anything, they are counted as a bounce. A high bounce rate can mean there’s something wrong with the content you’re providing, or it could indicate that someone else has already covered the topic better than you have.

2. Increases Social Media Engagement

Social media is a great way to connect with customers. It can be used to share your content, brand, and products with potential customers. Content marketing helps you build relationships with your audience by providing them with interesting and engaging content they want to read.

This increases social media engagement because if people enjoy what they’re reading, then they may want to share it on their own page or, in some other way, promote it for you.

3. Builds Trust to Generate More Leads

Content marketing builds trust, credibility, authority, and a relationship with customers. Little by little, you are showing your target customers that they can trust you to offer sound advice and content marketing strategies that increase the value they get from engaging with your brand.

This will encourage them to come back more often and convince those leads on the fence to reach out.

4. Original Content Creates Brand Communities

An original and consistent stream of content marketing builds a sense of community around your brand. These communities allow you to connect with consumers on a deeper level, which helps build trust and loyalty for you and your business.

5. Boosts Your SEO Strategies

Content marketing is a great way to boost your SEO strategies. This can help you rank better in search engines, especially when it is combined with other SEO efforts.

Think of it this way: if you’re writing highly relevant content to your target audience, chances are they’ll want to share it on social media. If enough people do that, then Google will notice and start ranking your site as an authoritative source for anything related to what you were talking about.

6. Builds Brand Awareness & Establishes Authority

Brand awareness is the first step toward building a relationship with a customer. With content marketing, you can create content that is directly relevant to your business to build brand awareness.

For example, if you are an accountant and want to build brand awareness for your accounting firm, then publishing articles that help people understand how taxes work would be an excellent way of doing so.

Where to Start

Content marketing is an effective way to promote your business and build relationships with customers. It’s also a powerful way to nurture leads, generate leads, increase sales, improve customer loyalty, and build trust.

Our expert team at Griffon Webstudios has spent years cultivating highly rewarding content marketing strategies for our clients. So contact us today, and let’s discuss how we can offer your brand the same value ROI package.

How to Maximize Your Marketing Strategy for the Holidays

How to Maximize Your Marketing Strategy for the Holidays

If you want to increase your revenue and sales during the holiday season, you need to have a well-planned marketing strategy for the holidays. It’s true that people are more likely to spend money on themselves during the holidays. But it’s also true that you need the right tools and techniques in place if you want to capitalize on this higher spending trend.

This guide will walk you through some tips for maximizing your marketing strategy for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Thanksgiving, Halloween, New Year, or whatever else is happening in December.

In 2022, US holiday retail sales are expected to reach $1.3 trillion, a 3.3% increase over 2021. Holiday ecommerce is expected to grow 15.5% to $236 billion!


Using Your Products/Services as Holiday Gifts

As a small business owner, it’s essential to think about ways you can use your products and services as holiday gifts. This is an excellent way to give back to loyal customers while also increasing brand awareness and loyalty among potential customers.

You should frame your ads and marketing strategy for the holidays by showing your customers what value your products and services bring to a holiday event. Whether that is something for a friend at a corporate party or a family member during Christmas, you want to make it seem like your offer is the best choice.

Offering Holiday Discounts

Another common tactic is to offer your customers a limited-time discount. This is easy to do because you can use tools like Google Shopping and Amazon to list your products at discounted prices while still charging full prices on your own website.

The downside of this strategy is that there is no guarantee people will buy during the sale period because they may have already made other plans for their purchases. However, it’s worth giving it a shot if you’ve got the inventory and staffing capacity to support the increased demand.

Design Ads with Holiday Nostalgia

The holidays are a time of nostalgia and tradition, so it’s important to use the familiar elements from past years in your marketing strategy. You can do this with images, colors, and music that remind people of their childhood holiday experiences.

Holiday ads will have an emotional impact on your customers by triggering memories of good times and cherished moments that they enjoyed during their childhood. The use of nostalgic symbols like Santa Claus or reindeer will also help create brand loyalty during the holiday season.


Stay on Top of Holiday Trends

It’s crucial to stay on top of seasonal trends for your marketing strategy for the holidays so that your brand stays relevant. You can do this by keeping an eye on the news, following social media, and even looking at what your competitors are doing.

As you probably noticed, Google Trends has become an excellent tool for marketers. It will show you what people are searching for around the world and in specific countries or cities, which is helpful if you want to see what kind of products consumers want this holiday season.

Don’t Forget the Email Campaign

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach customers, and it’s a great resource for marketing strategy for the holidays.

To ensure your emails get noticed and read by customers, start with a good subject line. This is what will entice your customer to open up the email in their inbox. Next, make sure you have an interesting offer that encourages them to click through on links within your email for more information about specific products or services. Finally—this may seem obvious but—don’t forget to customize each email according to each customer’s preferences!

Use Free Shipping

Free shipping is a great way to attract customers, and it’s also a good way to increase sales. It’s an effective marketing strategy for the holidays that will show your confidence in your products or services, which in turn will help you gain trust with potential buyers. This also helps you compete with major retail companies like Walmart, Best Buy, and Amazon.

holiday sales

Get an Early Start

You’re a smart business owner, and you know that the best way to succeed at marketing your business is to plan ahead. The holidays are no exception. You don’t want to wait until the last minute because then all your options are gone, and you may not have time for changes or additions. Start planning early so that you can get everything in place before the holiday rush hits.

We hope that you can use these tips to help grow your business this holiday season. It’s important to remember that the holidays are a great time for marketing, but there’s no reason why you can’t use them throughout the year as well. Our team at Griffon Webstudios is here to help you get a foothold with your ad campaign. Set up a consultation, and let’s get to work!