Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps
Griffon Webstudios

Mobile App Growth Strategy For Your Business

Mobile phones are becoming the central nervous system of human beings. What does this mean for your business? If you’re already an app developer like our mobile app agency in New York, it means that this is your moment to shine. However, it’s not too late if you don’t have an app yet. You can still take advantage of the massive growth opportunity having a mobile app will provide to your business. Here are some of the best strategies out there to grow and monetize an app so that it will be profitable for your business. 1. Understand Your Customers You can’t build a great product without understanding who your users are, what their needs are, and how they act. Understand their demographics and psychographics like age, gender, location, and language. These all play a role in creating an informed user base for your app and cultivating a rewarding experience. Think about how your users will use your app. What kind of apps do they use now? Do they download new apps regularly? Have they ever downloaded an app by you before? These questions provide insight into the type of person interested in downloading one of your products and leading

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What Does It Take To Develop A Native Mobile App?
Mobile Apps
Griffon Webstudios

What Does it Take to Develop a Native Mobile App?

Figuring out what kind of mobile application will work best for your business can be a challenge. If you have never done any type of app development before, the learning curve to creating something new can be a little steep. That is why it is crucial to hire a professional app development company. They will have the expertise to help you build, streamline, and launch a powerful mobile app. What is a Native App? A native mobile application is built using a specific language or platform for use with a particular device. These apps are installed directly through that device’s branded store like Apple’s App Store or Google Play. They operate directly on the mobile device and access specific device features like GPS for location data. So if you want an iOS app, you would use a language like Swift and design your application specifically to work on iPhones or iPads. Where to Begin Native app development is highly sought after because it is faster, more secure, and reliable than cross-platform or hybrid applications. The downside is they take a bit longer than other development and usually involve a higher price tag to complete. The best way to get your

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Mobile Apps
Griffon Webstudios

The Role of Mobile Apps for Your Business

Mobile Apps represent a range of opportunities for companies of all industries and audiences. From fostering customer interest and loyalty to deploying marketing to the masses. Building an app worthy of the customer’s time and attention should be a primary focus for all businesses. Mobile apps are projected to hit $188.9 billion in revenue by 2020. Mobile marketing on your own platform is cost-effective. Aiming advertisements at customers that are already aware of your brand can increase sales within an existing customer base. Invigorating those around them to take notice. Offering benefits attached to those sales can further incentivize word of mouth. Allowing you to reach additional customers. When properly utilized Mobile applications can unlock exponential growth potential while encouraging continued support from an existing customer base. Mobile Apps There is an app for that! Mobile apps invaded our way of life, offering convivence, entertainment and engaging content on all our favorite devices. In a climate that has an app for everything we think exploring the space could yield desirable results for companies interested in dipping their toes in the water. Increase your presence and outreach with enticing and exciting content for your customers. Working with mobile app developers can

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Mobile Apps
Griffon Webstudios

5 Practices to Increase Mobile App Engagement

Companies have embraced mobile app marketing, and they need to ensure that mobile device users are using their applications. As a business, you must ensure that Mobile app development consultants adopt the following methods to achieve an increase in mobile app engagement. Focus on App Usability and Improved UX The first impression of the user when using your mobile app will greatly determine whether he/she will revisit again. If the application creates a bad impression, the user will instantly uninstall it. To ensure that the user keeps using the application, ask your mobile app development consultant to make certain that he creates an app that allows a great user experience from the moment the app is downloaded. During mobile app development stages, your developers should target simplifying all the aspects so that mobile app user does not have to read a lot of instructions to be able to use your mobile app. The application should be easy to use with minimal need for support. Embrace Push Notification in Applications Push notifications act as reminders to the mobile app users and therefore will improve app engagement. To increase mobile app engagement, use push notifications appropriately. Don’t send too many notifications, but

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Mobile Apps
Griffon Webstudios

3 Simple Strategies for Mobile Marketing Success.

Having a mobile website or an app will not guarantee the success of a mobile marketing campaign. There are already 2.5 million apps in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store combined. Without app store optimization through SEO, ASO and SEM, people will not be able to find the app. Search Engine Optimization Search engine optimization has four factors such as relevance, honesty, popularity, and indexation. There are SEO tools that can help with the indexation of the mobile app, such as Google Keyword Planner. Popularity is measured by the number of backlinks to the web app. Quality content will not only deliver more value to the community and attract other websites; it will also bring more relevance. Being honest by not trying to cheat Google is important to avoid disappearing from the search engine’s index. App Store Optimization App store optimization or ASO works the same for Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It is important that you give a good user experience when they land on your app page. In the Apple App Store, the title must be short and descriptive. Keep it around 25 characters at most. The description should include the keywords, but it

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Mobile Apps
Griffon Webstudios

5 Reasons why small businesses need a mobile app

Small business needs a mobile app- Not Kidding! Small businesses were once very easy to run. You just have to set up a shop, place an ad in the local newspaper, wait for the businesses to come through. Though it took a few days, it wasn’t a complex process. But as days went by, the Internet became an essential element in running any business. Small business owners now have to keep up with technological advancements in order to run their businesses successfully. The difficult part starts with setting up a website as small businesses seriously need one. Earlier, only large corporations had a website on their own, but it was time for the small business owners to become familiar with web designing, hosting, etc. Once the website is ready, it doesn’t end with that. You should also get familiar with SEO, Ads, tackling issues related to social media, offline and online marketing, etc. As all these became essential for a small business, it looks like you now need to function like an MNC. Does it all end here. Absolutely not. Now it’s all about mobile phones. Gone are those days where we used mobile phones only to talk to each

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