
3 Simple Strategies for Mobile Marketing Success.

Having a mobile website or an app will not guarantee the success of a mobile marketing campaign. There are already 2.5 million apps in the Google Play Store and Apple App Store combined. Without app store optimization through SEO, ASO and SEM, people will not be able to find the app.

mobile marketing success
Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization has four factors such as relevance, honesty, popularity, and indexation. There are SEO tools that can help with the indexation of the mobile app, such as Google Keyword Planner. Popularity is measured by the number of backlinks to the web app.

Quality content will not only deliver more value to the community and attract other websites; it will also bring more relevance. Being honest by not trying to cheat Google is important to avoid disappearing from the search engine’s index.

App Store Optimization

App store optimization or ASO works the same for Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It is important that you give a good user experience when they land on your app page. In the Apple App Store, the title must be short and descriptive. Keep it around 25 characters at most. The description should include the keywords, but it must be short and direct to the point. Keep in mind that Google indexes iTunes pages, and you should optimize your description with the best SEO practices.

The app page must have five screenshots and a preview video of around 15 to 30 seconds long. The Apple App Store allows users to define keywords for the app, so you should make the most out of the 100 characters. You should avoid using misleading keywords. For the reviews, use the feedback to improve the app. However, your goal is to get good ratings.

App store optimization ASO

For the Google Play Store, it is important that you also keep the title short. The guide on descriptions is the same as that of the Apple App Store. Make sure that it includes all the features and important keywords because it affects the search engine ranking of the app.

The icon of the app is the first thing that users see when they search for it, and that’s why a lot of effort must be used to make it stand out from the competition. Google Play Store allows users to upload up to eight screenshots and a YouTube video up to 120 seconds long.

Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing or SEM is paid ads placed in search engine result pages. It should be part of your mobile marketing strategies. Before any SEM campaigns, you should first define your objectives, select the keywords, make create ads, create landing pages, and decide on your budget.

These are the things that you need to keep in mind if you want to launch a successful mobile marketing campaign. Search engine optimization, app store optimization and search engine marketing are important if you want your mobile app to gain a lot of users.