Beyond Clicks and Conversions

Beyond Clicks and Conversions: Measuring Brand Engagement in Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a never-ending labyrinth of trial and error to best deliver your core messaging and identity so that they appeal to the unique pain points of your target audience. That requires a lot of innovation, and brand building is crucial to ensure you are reaching your goals.

The purpose of brand building is to boost your online presence and also to develop high-end customer relationships that bleed loyalty into their personal lives. It involves engaging with customers on a more intimate level so they spread positive word of mouth everywhere they go.

Finding a way to correctly measure that impact is a whole different beast altogether.

Our team at Griffon Webstudios wants to boost your ability to measure brand engagement by providing some solid metrics you should already be tracking.


Social Media Engagement

The vast majority of online users are engaged in social media in one way or another. This could be a vibrant TikTok account following niche influencers or a simple YouTube account to get access to “how to” videos for car maintenance.

You can track this brand building through things like:

    • Number of followers to your various accounts.
    • Engagement through likes, shares, and interactions whenever you post or place an advert.
    • The different number and quality of comments on any posts you put on a platform.
    • The number of mentions or hashtags used with your brand name in the title.


Branded Keywords

Search data comes in all shapes and sizes. An excellent way to cut through this deluge of information is having branded terms. If you are Starbucks, a Venti Hot Latte may be a term you use to gauge the strength of your current building efforts. You want to monitor:

    • How your brand keywords are ranking on different platforms and search engines.
    • If there are any product/service-related keywords you can use to boost your presence.
    • Any PPC ads you’re running using these branded keywords.

Customer Referrals and Recommendations

An excellent way to determine if your brand building efforts have succeeded is if your current or target customers are referring you to their friends, family members, peers, and coworkers.

Always identify those external websites that are directing traffic back to your landing pages. If you have a referral program already in use (affiliate programs, non-funded, etc.), then measure participation rates.

Both of these metrics will demonstrate current and future customer loyalty.

Repeat Customers

The more your customers choose to repeat business with your brand, the greater your ability to reach and target their pain points. If your brand resonates well with your target audience, you will see these numbers as the most relevant to your current brand building.

Brand Asset Use

Many online brands have “freebies” like downloadable eBooks or guides that help customers succeed. Tracking how often these items are downloaded and used is a good metric to your ability to penetrate the marketplace.

We Can Help

Using these different metrics, you’ll begin to create a solid image of how well your brand building strategies are working. You can then adjust and retrain any such tactics so they reach your target audience in the most efficient way possible.

Our team at Griffon Webstudios can help! We have years of experience operating in the website design/development and digital marketing space. Our experts know what metrics matter the most to boost the reach and success of your online branding. Give us a call today and let’s schedule a time to discuss your future branding goals.

How Effective Web Design Contributes to Successful Brand Building

How Effective Web Design Contributes to Successful Brand Building

If you want to remain competitive in today’s marketplace, you must have a digital presence. Even essential services like electric companies or waste management services rely on websites for better customer interactions and updates on outages or storm damage.

As a business, you want a centralized location that differentiates your operations from the competition. Where brand building is cultivating a consistent message using images, videos, and copy to support your initiatives, you are able to better manage customer relationships. Through brand building, you are fostering trust that you are who you say you are and can deliver on your organization’s promises.

Web Design in Branding

One of the most crucial tools in this initiative is a website. Web design is more than where you put the contact form for your customers. When the website is professionally designed, mobile responsive, and streamlined for your brand identity, it creates a memorable experience that ensures your visitors, clients, stakeholders, and anyone else pass on to their friends, family, coworkers, and acquaintances online and off.

At the core of this is branding. You want consistent logos, colors, and copy that reinforce your values. Every single element on your digital profile must be aligned with your branding. From the typography you use on an FAQ page to the layout for mobile users, you want to create a narrative that informs people about your business, encourages long-term engagement, and converts leads to loyal brand ambassadors.

The Perfect Balance

So, how does a web design team like ours at Griffon Webstudios accomplish this balancing act between brand and web design?

  • Help create the framework for your business to establish a strong brand identity that stands out from the competition, so you get more visitation.
  • Build trust and credibility through a professional, mobile responsive design demonstrating your active online community participation.
  • Enhances your target audience’s experience with your brand by shaping how they interact with the unique attributes and values you wish to present (consistent visuals, intuitive navigation, etc.).
  • Strengthening the connection between you and the audience by focusing on a positive experience through your website (aligned with your branding).

There are plenty of other examples, like driving your marketing goals through consistency and brand recognition. The better you can help support those positive emotions viewers have about your website, the more likely they will “recall” your brand in an effective way when they need your products or services.

66% of people prefer to look at a beautifully designed website if given 15 minutes to consume content- WebFX

At the end of the day, it all comes back to ensuring your brand is represented professionally, cleanly, and user-friendly. This way, prospective partners and clients can access the information they need to complete a sale or initiate a conversation.

The Challenge

The challenge is that the online world is constantly evolving. You never know when a passing digital trend becomes an industry standard. In these cases, you do not want to leave your branding initiatives to someone without the experience needed for a rewarding online experience.

If you want a fully supported website aligned with your current brand-building identity and online presence, reach out to our team at Griffon Webstudios. We operate in the heart of New York and are acutely aware of the importance brand plays in developing a fully immersive website. Give us a call today, and let’s schedule a consultation for your needs!

How Minimalism In Marketing Win Over Audiences: The Art Of Unbranding

How Minimalism In Marketing Win Over Audiences: The Art Of Unbranding

Have you ever been captivated by the simplicity of a brand you come across online? A minimalist design that prompts an awestruck ‘Wow!’ and connects with you unexpectedly through some emotional resonance you never expected?

That’s probably from the art of unbranding. In today’s era of crazy competition, with an overabundance of digital stimuli and sensory saturation, using unbranding is a clandestine weapon in any thriving marketing campaign.

What Exactly is Unbranding?

Unbranding is a marketing tactic that large companies often employ to give their brand a local flair. It’s a strategy to sever the corporate bindings and resonate with community sentiments. By utilizing simplistic design elements aligned with local resources.

The problem is many of these multinational companies shed their global facades when profits are down. They choose to don the persona of a small, local business. This enables them to blend in, attract the local crowd, and ride the growing wave of local business support.

You see this method the most in the organic food realm. Big companies like Kraft or GE use local “brands” that hide their true identity. This way, they can lean into organic resources or green marketing techniques to “trick” consumers.

Navigating the Current of Minimalism in Branding

At Griffon Webstudios, we’ve noticed the persistent rise in brands simplifying their designs, gradually becoming a dominant theme in the online marketing terrain. This minimalistic approach isn’t merely about stripping back unnecessary decorations. It’s about focusing on the core message and value proposition.

Take Google as an example. Their brand doesn’t ensnare you with elaborate designs, but with a clear, singular purpose. Their homepage epitomizes minimalism at its finest: a logo and a search bar. Even though this multinational giant has many other aspects, the search engine they are most well-known for is as simple as it gets.

In contrast, Yahoo’s homepage, cluttered with news and miscellaneous links, often feels like an information deluge. This juxtaposition underscores the importance of minimalistic branding in the digital realm.

Why are Businesses and Websites Opting for a Minimalistic Identity?

Businesses and websites are championing minimalism and unbranding because they comprehend the advantages of how this method engages more decisive consumers.

    • Heightened Focus on the Core Message: Unbranding and minimalism allow businesses to eradicate distractions and focus solely on their fundamental message.
    • Enhanced User Experience: A minimalistic design provides a clean, uncluttered environment, leading to a more user-friendly experience (in other words – more white space for UI/UX).
    • Resonating with Modern Aesthetics: The clean and minimalist look appeals to modern consumers who appreciate simplicity and authenticity, allowing video and other media to stand out.
    • Efficacious Marketing Campaigns: With a clear and straightforward brand identity, your marketing campaigns can become more efficient, targeting your desired audience and driving them toward sales funnels.

The Magic of Unbranding: A Case Study

IKEA, a global corporation, is a prime example of successful unbranding. Despite its worldwide stature, IKEA consistently presents itself as an accessible, community-focused brand.

They’ve artfully crafted an image where customers believe they’re supporting a congenial local business rather than an impersonal conglomerate. This strategy has been pivotal in IKEA’s marketing campaigns and overall brand triumph.

Even the brand story starts by offering quality furniture to the “everyman” consumer in Sweden. That same premise is delivered worldwide through a massive international company with a “downhome” brand image.

Here’s an exploration of Ikea’s marketing strategy, focusing on various aspects including marketing channels, website and mobile application marketing, SEO, SMM, and content marketing.

IKEA’s Marketing Strategy

1. Marketing Channels:

IKEA utilizes a mix of marketing channels to reach a broad customer base.

    • Physical Stores: IKEA’s iconic blue and yellow stores are strategically located to allow customers to experience the products firsthand.
    • Online Platforms: IKEA’s e-commerce website offers the convenience of online shopping, complemented by their physical stores.
    • Catalog: The IKEA catalog, both in print and online versions, serves as a significant marketing tool, allowing customers to browse through their offerings.
    • TV and Print Advertising: Traditional advertising channels are used to create broad brand awareness.

2. Website and Mobile Application Marketing:

IKEA’s digital presence is significant in its overall marketing strategy.

    • Website Design: The IKEA website is user-friendly and showcases products through high-quality images and detailed descriptions.
    • Mobile Application: IKEA’s app offers additional features like augmented reality to visualize products within your space, enhancing the shopping experience.
    • Personalization: Through account creation and tracking customer preferences, IKEA provides personalized recommendations and shopping experiences.
3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

SEO is a key part of IKEA’s online marketing.

    • Keyword Optimization: IKEA’s website uses relevant keywords to match customer search queries.
    • Site Structure: The clear and organized structure ensures ease of navigation, impacting SEO positively.
    • Content Creation: Regular blogs and content that resonate with IKEA’s target audience help in driving organic traffic.

4. SMM (Social Media Marketing):

Social media platforms are leveraged for customer engagement.

    • Platform Utilization: IKEA is present on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest to engage with different audiences.
    • User-Generated Content: Encouraging customers to share their IKEA experiences and designs has built a community around the brand.
    • Influencer Collaborations: IKEA collaborates with influencers to reach new audiences and promote products.

5. Content Marketing:

Content is at the heart of IKEA’s marketing.

    • Storytelling: IKEA focuses on storytelling to connect emotionally with customers. Their content often emphasizes sustainability, design, and functionality.
    • Video Content: Videos, including DIY guides and product showcases, engage customers visually.
    • Blogs and Articles: IKEA produces content that offers value to customers, like home improvement tips, which also helps in SEO.
Source: Brafton


IKEA’s marketing strategy is a multifaceted approach, integrating traditional and digital channels to create a cohesive and engaging customer experience. By understanding and implementing modern marketing techniques such as SEO and SMM, alongside their unique in-store experience and content marketing, IKEA has solidified its position as a global leader in the home furnishing industry.

The brand’s focus on sustainability and functional design resonates well with its target audience, making IKEA a standout example of successful contemporary marketing.

The Timeless Art of Unbranding

Unbranding transcends a mere trend – it’s a timeless strategy that resonates with consumers’ yearning for authenticity and simplicity. Coupled with minimalism, it forms a potent synergy that enables your marketing campaign to stand out amidst the ocean of digital clutter.

Still uncertain about unbranding your business and leveraging minimalism? Let Griffon Webstudios guide you. We’ll utilize our SEO expertise to optimize your online presence and efficiently manage your digital campaigns. Contact us today, and let’s collaboratively reinvent your brand!

The Evolution of Internet Search and its Future

The Evolution of Internet Search and its Future

One of the only things you can count on with technology is that it will change. No matter how refined or detail-oriented your website will be, there’s always room for improvement. This is especially true when you consider how people search for websites and content related to their interests.

Most of our online experiences begin and end with a search engine. If you open a browser, visit Google, and type in something like the local Chinese restaurant you’ve always wanted to try or what the latest celebrity gossip might be from last night’s award show, the information you receive with be highly relevant.

Google has 84.08% of the search engine market while Bing accounted for almost 9% and Yahoo was 2.55% as of December 2022.


Even with all the social media, messaging, and email systems in place, it is ingrained in our society to use a search engine first or follow the latest Google search trends to find the information we want the most. So, how do we leverage this instinctual activity to bring in more visitors to our websites if that is the case? How do you account for the future of internet searching that is happening right now and affecting conversion rates?

The Evolution of a Search Query

Long ago, in a time before smartphones, everyone had to rely on old-fashioned search engines like Altavista or Ask Jeeves. We would connect to our dial tones and hear that robotic melodic stream that most younger users today have never heard of in their lifetimes, all in the hopes that the information we were looking for wouldn’t have too many images or take an hour to download.

Today performing a user search is almost synonymous with the word Google. That search engine has become so ingrained into our everyday usage that it’s like Kleenex to tissues or Band-Aid when you get a cut on your finger. As a result, the brand has become more significant than the activity that you will perform on its website.

That is because Google has become more refined in generating results for online searches. Any website that wants to be ranked high on the search engine results page of Google or any other provider needs to follow some basics to get recognized.

The point is that search engines are putting people first, and constantly evolving, so the services they provide have the highest demand. After all, everybody wants to make money online, and being the best search engine is a great way to do it.

To rank well on Google, you must have some critical factors that include:

    • Quality backlinks
    • Content that is relevant to the user
    • A solid SEO strategy with suitable keywords and phrases
    • A fast-loading website
    • Relevant images, videos, and written content
    • Clean UI/UX for clear navigation

If you contribute to the internet ecosystem, you will rank well on Google. All that is left now is that you are following the latest updates on how Google enforces its internet search requirements.

The Effect of Google Search Trends & Updates

For years, Google has been providing updates to its system. These updates’ overall goal is to ensure the content delivered to users performing an online search meets their expectations.

If you operate a website that relies heavily on organic search, you need to be aligned with any of these updates. That means you need to follow Google’s advice on creating people-first content. Things like prioritizing short-form videos, integrating social media, and having a convenient and intuitive layout ensure that you will rank high regardless of what update has been initiated.

It also means staying abreast of any recent Google search trends. Google is the most visited website in the world, with more than 89 billion hits every month. That gives it massive control over the search engine market, with as much as 90% of its market share. If you want a helpful website that gains traction with your target audience, you need to adhere to Google’s updates and search trends to appear at the top of your niche market.

What Boosts a Website to the Top of a Search Page?

Trying to figure out the precise algorithm Google uses is a full-time job. People with three different doctorates, from computer science to sociology, spend all their waking hours trying to solve this massive equation.

The easier way to figure out why one type of market searching for a website based on different topics has more to do with the basics you need to have on your website. Getting on the front page of Google results in a massive boost in your click-through rate. To do this, you need some critical things in place, including:

1. Fixing On-Page SEO

This means integrating a solid keyword strategy into your landing pages, image alt-tags, descriptions, and anything else without keyword stuffing or violating Google’s updates.

2. Using LSI Keywords

LSI keywords are anything related to your specific lead keyword or phrase. For example, if you have something like “baseball games in North America” as your key phrase, you may also want to have LSI keywords on your webpage like:

    • Baseball mitt
    • The best baseball bat
    • Habits of baseball players
    • Best baseball teams in the USA
    • And similar options

3. Match Content to Your Audience

Get into the mind of someone who would be searching for your content. Are they asking questions? Or is there a general statement related to your keywords? Then, deliver the content that provides them with the resources they need to move forward. Not only is it better for Google search trends, but it will improve your overall user engagement.

4. Develop a Backlink Strategy

One of the best ways to improve your SERP is to have backlinks from reputable websites and sources. People who link to your webpage show that you are in authority on that topic. The more quality backlinks you have, the higher your page will rank with Google because the search engine will recognize you as delivering the best content based on the initial online search.

5. Don’t Forget Internal Linking

Google wants to view your website as a series of interconnected pages. So you need a link from page to page to page on your own website with relevant topics or keywords. This also makes it easier for your visitors to navigate your site.

6. Boost Your Loading Speed

Another critical tip is to improve your user experience by making your site load as quickly as possible. This includes being mobile responsive with images, content, and video that loads fast regardless of platform. Google will see this as you going the extra mile to improve a user experience and will reward you with a higher page rank.

What is Changing for a User Search Right Now?

There are tons of incredible changes happening in the search page world. Probably the most important is the use of artificial intelligence within a search engine ecosystem.

For example, Microsoft is using ChatGPT as part of their Bing search engine, and Google is using a competitor called Bard. Both of these will drastically change how we search for things and the information that will be plugged into search engines in the future.

However, there are a lot of bugs to fix in those two systems. In the meantime, here are some other things to keep in mind when considering the latest Google search trends in the future of Internet searching.

1. Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices

Over 1.7 billion mobile users are already taking advantage of AR, otherwise known as augmented reality. They are systems that enable interactive applications like virtual dressing rooms when you’re online shopping for clothing or Pokémon Go that uses the gaming world to capture different creatures in real-life settings. It is the idea of crafting a reality that combines your personal views with the latest technology. This is going to become even more prominent as the years progress.

2. AI Writing

While AI has been integrated into content creation for years, the release of ChatGPT has exploded across the internet. People suddenly found a way to generate all kinds of articles without the need to hire teams and teams of writers.

ChatGPT crossed the 100 million users milestone in January 2023. In the first month of its launch, ChatGPT had more than 57 million monthly users.

Most businesses operate on the idea of automation. So when you can automate your content creation, you save money and time while boosting the quality of information you’re providing in your user search. The only thing to watch out for here is that AI text generation is imperfect. You still need someone to go over the content to humanize it, add some comedy, and make sure that it is SEO optimized for your website.

3. SEO & Branding (Be a Destination)

SEO is constantly evolving, especially in the online search world. Being ranked well for one keyboard is no longer enough. You need to build a brand related to your target keyphrase so that when a user lands on your website, they spend some time looking around at the other content available.

The best way to stand out from your competition is to expand your SEO strategy so that you become a destination instead of just a one-hit wonder when it comes to a search page result.

4. Long-Tail Strategies 

Niching down is not a bad idea. Finding those rare long-tail keywords that don’t have much competition but have a high interest is still the most reliable way to increase your organic search results. Any time that you can organically drive a massive amount of traffic to your website is going to be a boost in your potential revenue. This is especially true for those in e-commerce or running a blog.

5. Google Analytics 4

GA4 stands to change the entire search website industry again. That is because this new system’s predictive insights will include user behavior. When you better understand your target audience’s behavior, you can adapt your website to their specific needs.

That will give you a massive competitive advantage over those who do not account for this new system. The better you can understand your talking market, the better you can deliver quality content, and the higher you will rank on Google search trends.

6. Quality Over Quantity

Let’s say it again for all the kids in the back of the bus – you cannot win with Google and any search engine unless you have quality content.

The days of keyboard stuffing and generating fly-by-night information for users are gone. Everybody wants personalized information that is highly relevant and easy to verify. The best way to rank high on Google is to be an authority on your target niche market with keywords and phrases to back it up.

The information era is pretty much over. We are now moving into the augmented era, where technologies and integrative tools will become an everyday activity. That includes things related to Google search trends and how we conduct a search query. In addition, wearable technology and augmented reality applications will result in a more inclusive search engine environment.

While you do your best to maintain your branding, SEO strategies, and short-form videos for your target audience, you also need to keep a close eye on how this industry is evolving. Staying on the cutting edge of internet searching is one of the best ways to develop your online brand and become a leading provider of whatever niche service, product, or idea you want to get across to your target market.

Role Of Content In The Website Design Process

Role Of Content In The Website Design Process

As a business owner, you know that having a pleasing website is essential for attracting customers. But did you know that content is actually the cornerstone of the web design process? It’s true! Without great content, your website will lack direction and won’t be able to effectively engage with your target audience. Let’s explore why content plays such an important role in web design.

Content Drives User Engagement

When people visit your website, they are looking for something specific. Whether it’s information about your product or service, answers to their questions, or simply entertainment – they want to find what they are looking for quickly and easily. That’s why it’s important to have well-written, succinct content on your site that speaks directly to your users and answers their questions. This will help keep visitors engaged and make them more likely to convert into paying customers.

Content Helps Designers Create A Purposeful Navigation Structure

A good website should provide users with a clear path as soon as they land on the page; otherwise, visitors can become confused and frustrated – leading them to abandon the site altogether. Content helps designers create a purposeful navigation structure because it gives them an understanding of what type of information users are looking for when they visit the site – allowing them to create menus, labels, and other navigational elements accordingly. This allows visitors to clearly understand how each page relates to one another so they can easily locate the information they need.

Content Is An Extension Of Your Brand

Content isn’t just about providing useful information; it also serves as an extension of your brand’s voice and message. The words and images you use on your website should reflect who you are as a company and what makes you unique from everyone else in your industry. Having quality content can help establish trust between you and potential customers by showing that you care about their experience while visiting your site – ultimately leading them to purchase from you rather than someone else!

At the end of the day, content is essential for any successful website design project. Good content not only helps drive user engagement but also guides designers in creating a purposeful navigation structure – so visitors can find what they need quickly and easily – while also serving as an extension of your brand’s voice and message. Investing time and effort into developing quality content can pay off big time in terms of increased conversions! So if you’re looking to create a successful website for your business, don’t skip out on content creation!

How to Bring That Creative Spark into Your Branding

How to Bring That Creative Spark into Your Branding

How many times have you revised your last branding campaign? You may never know if you actually got it right. You can measure outcomes and improve features on your next campaign, but we all know branding is not an easy aspect of any business. There are so many factors to keep in mind from marketing mediums to audience preferences to what your message should really be.

With so much to consider you run the risk of doing something, you should preferably avoid: overthinking.

While it’s important to plan, overthinking can rob your campaign of all creativity. Your marketing may end up looking just like your competitors because you’re doing what the research tells you to. And you’re not standing out from the crowd anymore.

We’ll help you add some creativity back into your branding so you have the X-factor counting in your favor again.

Why is Creativity Important?

Never before has branding been this competitive. With modern technology, any business can reach a global audience. Consumers also face a daily barrage of information coming at them online, via TV screens, and on billboards. If they feel overwhelmed by all the stimulation, they can easily ignore what they deem irrelevant.

A creative approach is how you will make an impact in this highly competitive environment.

Adding the X-Factor to Your Branding

You can partner with expert marketers and hopefully, they will compile a customized branding solution to keep your message original. But there’s also a lot you can do yourself.

Get the Visuals Right from the Start

Get the Visuals Right from the Start

You can ensure an original, creative look by putting effort into compiling the visual elements of your brand:

  • The logo that will become the image you’re recognized by: Make sure it’s different from all your competitors’ images.
  • Colors you use in your branding: Because neuroscience proves that colors carry messages you need to make sure your branding incorporates the right hues.
  • Be personal and use faces: Despite being a tech-driven society people still desire to feel connected with others. Using your or your staff members’ faces in your branding campaigns will make your business seem less clinical than others.

Use Your Story

It’s not only your people that you can be creative about. What is your business’ story?

People enjoy being part of something bigger than themselves. In their daily lives, this adds to job satisfaction if they like the company they’re part of.

Your story

But don’t let it stop there. Use your company’s history to draw people when they’re shopping or in search of services:

  • Share how you dreamt about starting a company or providing a solution to the masses
  • Tell the story of starting small and growing into a large company
  • Talk about why you do what you do

This is not simply a ‘nice’ source of ideas for your next campaign. These elements work because people will want to be part of a success story and what you find important, many others may relate to as well.

Telling your story in this way ensures your brand will matter to others as much as it matters to you.

Show You Care

Remember that branding is not only about creating your logo for your business and plastering it on print materials. Branding involves communicating your values. These characteristics—such as professionalism or excellence—will garner respect from your audience who are similar of mind.

For many customers and companies, community involvement is a number one value. This should spark many creative ideas for sharing your brand with locals. Why not support local sports teams, organic markets, or community projects?

Or perhaps your value is being environmentally friendly or ensuring mental health for your employees. For example, when your brand relates to wellness (of people, nature, or a city) and you mention this in your marketing, those who have the same concerns will rather support you than your competitors.

Stories about your involvement can be shared online, so what you do locally can lead to global respect.

What Language are You Using?

Before you send out your next advertisement, pause a moment and look at the language you’re using. Different audiences have unique preferences and manners of speaking:

  • They use different words to refer to the same item
  • Some people talk more formal while others use casual terms
  • Age groups relate to different ‘slang’ words and references

Make sure you’re using the language your target audience uses. A few small tweaks to the type of words you use are creative ways of optimizing your branding impact.

So, for a moment stop overthinking and look. The features that can spark some creativity for your branding campaign can be found all around you. Marketing is a serious role player in your business success—but don’t forget to also have fun with it.