5 Ways to Increase Revenue using Organic Search Traffic


Organic search traffic is the influx of people who are searching for your site online. There are major search engines that you would want your website to be found on and they include but are not limited to Google, Yahoo, and Bing among many others. When you look for something online or when you type within the search engine’s search box and press enter or click on your mouse, there are some results that appear.

Organic search traffic

‘Organic’ is used in this context because any search outcome that appears at the top of the search results is only able to get the position over a certain period of time. The results are also required to meet certain requirements. The process all the sites need to get to be seen among the top search results is referred to as search engine optimization.

Organic search traffic is the most sought-after asset by the businesses that are online. This has always been the case since inception and judging by the trends there is no end in sight of the contrary happening.  The internet avails many ways that the businesses may use to their advantage to maintain their presence online. The many channels available for use are the channels that contain the most traffic within a day. These are the social sites that connect people with common interests or needs such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or even YouTube. In most cases, the channels are linked and they lead to very many clicks via the influx of users.

In order to fully comprehend what this means, you need to understand organic search traffic the business way. This is especially for online business owners. For you to understand what organic search traffic is, let’s first find out how to generate income from organic search traffic.

Increase Revenue


There are several ways to earn the extra buck or more from organic search traffic. They are:

The use of article marketing

The goal of encouraging more traffic to your site is for you to earn more. Since one leads to the other, you may also think of ways that encourage traffic.  One of the simplest, as well as efficient ways, is through promoting articles. It is also among the more preferred ways used by the internet marketers.

Having a fascinating title while writing an article that is promoted is one way of ensuring that people visit your site and enable you to earn some money. People are naturally attracted to interesting things. They however only get to see the article title first.

The importance of having an attractive title is then portrayed well when you compare an article with a catchy title but boring content or another with a boring title but is an interesting read. What you are aiming for in order to increase your revenue is the number of clicks to your site. The title is then a very important tool.

Ensuring that the article also has an interesting as well as easy keyword is also a way of ensuring that when people look for you, they will find you. People normally look for almost the same set of words in a sentence. Writing the keyword that is generally used helps the people looking for you find you faster since the search engine groups all similar groups together.


Since it is a fact that in order to increase the online income you need, the traffic should overflow, you should focus on getting more traffic to your site. Make sure that the website has back-links to it. You should get as many inbound links as you can. This can be achieved by publishing articles on known directory sites meant for articles on top-ranked sites.


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Keep a keen eye on the niche

Ensure that the niche you finally settle for holds an appeal to you. It is important that you are not only interested in a niche but that you are also passionate about your brand. Your brand is the work you have spent quite a bit of time trying to get out there.  An easy way of growing your revenue is providing something that you like and do not mind working on for long periods of time at a time. In the long run, you retain the business you love at a high search rank while making the money you need from it.

Create a network

People are social beings. We tend to pass information faster when we are talking to each other as opposed to writing a letter. You may also choose to connect using other channels and devices as well. On the internet, you as an online business need to collaborate with other local businesses so that they may feature your product on their page.

The network also means that you need to support the other online business by offering them a chance to feature what they have on your website. While you may interact with many people within your area of specialization, it is not advisable to allow your competition to display what they are offering on your wall.

Always maintain quality

Be humble enough to know when to ask for help and if you should. People are attracted to self-competence as well as a quality product. Maintaining a high standard of the product thereby ensures that people always come back for more or they simply come on recommendation and they never leave.

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