Transforming Digital Marketing Efforts from SEO to SXO

Transforming Digital Marketing Efforts from SEO to SXO: Improving User Experience

Staying ahead of the digital competition is no small feat. You have to lean into emerging trends while also implementing robust SEO practices that ensure you are always near the top of any search result page.

Our SEO team at Griffon Webstudios wants to help you reach this lofty goal by helping to differentiate the current SEO tactics most businesses utilize to a better SXO (Search Experience Optimization) framework that will future proof your online brand.

Understanding SXO: Beyond SEO

SXO is different from standard SEO strategies. It is more than simply using well-researched keywords in a clean UI/UX (user interface/user experience) environment. While most SEO tactics are designed to target individual search engines like Google or Bing, SXO seeks to optimize your brand’s visibility with the individual user experience.

This is a much more holistic approach to growing your online presence so you can draw in new visitors, but also keep them engaged when they land on your various pages. Implementing a strong SEO strategy blended with modern SXO keeps you competitive.

Implementing SXO in Your Marketing Strategy

The only question remaining is how do you blend your SEO strategy with SXO for your digital marketing efforts. First, you’ll want to analyze your target audience. Get to know their unique needs and behaviors so you can craft a content strategy that appeals to them and popular search engines. This may involve:

    • Optimizing Website Structures: Ensuring your current business website is highly intuitive to navigate with a well-structured layout allowing users to find what they want, when they want it.
    • Enhancing Quality Content: Develop new content that hits those needed SEO guidelines, but also delivers high-quality, relevant content to keep a user engaged as they explore further.
    • Improving Page Speed: The time it takes to load your website or marketing plan on any device of any size directly impacts your SEO and SXO factors. Faster loading times reduce bounce rates and boost user experiences with your brand.
    • Mobile Optimization: If you have not already redesigned your online presence for mobile devices, you are losing out on the competition. This is a must-have for any modern business interested in SEO, blended with SXO tactics.

Once these strategies are in place, you’ll want to regularly audit your website to track any successes or areas that will require further improvement. Engage with your audience as much as you can to learn how they are enjoying the changes. At the end of the day, their experience is what matters most.

Get Started with Our Team

Transitioning from traditional SEO to modern SXO tactics does require a shift in how your business thinks about online activity. This could be a significant challenge without the proper guidance of an experienced website design and development provider.

That is where our team at Griffon Webstudios can help. With years of experience operating in New York, we understand how to adapt and improve websites, marketing campaigns, and online branding so you continue to stand out from the crowded digital crowd.

Give us a call today, and let’s schedule a consultation to review your current online presence.

Unleash you website's potential

Unleash Your Website’s Potential: A Straightforward Guide for Business Owners

So, you’re a busy business owner with a website that could use a little love? Great! Let’s dive into the world of Core Web Vitals and why they matter, even for non-tech-savvy folks like you. It’s time to make your website faster, more engaging, and more user-friendly – all while having a little fun! Let’s break down this guide into easy-to-understand sections so that you can boost your website’s ranking without breaking a sweat.

What’s the Deal with Core Web Vitals?

Google has introduced a new ranking factor called Core Web Vitals. Think of them as a report card for your website. They measure three crucial aspects: speed, search quality, and user experience (UX) on mobile devices. The better your scores, the higher your website can rank on search engine results pages (SERPs). And higher rankings mean more visibility, more customers, and more business. It’s a win-win!

Here’s what Core Web Vitals measure:

1. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) – How fast does your main page content show up? In other words, how long does it take for the largest element on your page to load? A good LCP score is under 2.5 seconds.

2. First Input Delay (FID) – Is your page layout steady after it appears? This metric measures the time it takes for your site to become interactive and responsive to user input. Aim for an FID score of 100 milliseconds or less.

3. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) – How quickly does your page react to users poking around? CLS measures the visual stability of your site, focusing on unexpected layout shifts. A good CLS score is 0.1 or lower.

Core Web Vitals

Ready to boost your website’s ranking? Follow these simple steps:

Step 1 – Check Your Core Web Vitals

First things first, head over to Google Search Console. This nifty tool shows you how your website is doing in search results. If you’ve got Search Console set up, you can quickly access your site’s live Core Web Vitals reports.

Take a look at your scores. If you see mostly “good URLs,” you’re doing well and can breathe a sigh of relief. If not, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and optimize those Core Web Vitals for better search engine rankings.

Step 2 – Find Slowpokes on Your Website

Slow pages can drag your whole site down, harming your website’s overall performance and user experience. That’s why it’s crucial to identify any pages with “poor” or “needs improvement” scores.

If your site is new with low traffic, Google might group similar pages together in a URL group, making it easier for you to fix issues across multiple pages at once. Focus on these groups to maximize your optimization efforts.

87%. A study of 6,500 US Ecommerce sites revealed that 87% would fail a Core Web Vitals assessment today. 30% would pass for Cumulative Layout Shift, 38% would pass for Largest Contentful Paint, and 93% would pass First Input Delay.

Step 3 – Keep an Eye on Your Site

Now that you’ve discovered which pages need some TLC, it’s essential to monitor your website regularly to spot performance changes as soon as possible. You’ll want to keep a close eye on the following:

1. Pages with low Core Web Vitals: Track the progress of your optimization efforts.

2. High-traffic pages, such as your homepage: These pages are crucial for your website’s success and deserve extra attention.

3. Comparable competitor sites: Keeping tabs on your competition allows you to compare your performance and set benchmarks.

Step 4 – Test, Test, Test!

Running performance tests on slow pages is the key to finding out what’s causing those “needs improvement” or “poor” Core Web Vitals scores. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights, Lighthouse, or WebPageTest to get detailed insights

The Result

Patience is a virtue when it comes to evaluating the results of your optimizations. Keep in mind that it can take up to 30 days for the full effect of your improvements to become apparent once they are implemented and live on your website. This delay is due to the time it takes for search engines to crawl and re-evaluate your site, as well as for user behavior data to be collected and analyzed.

During this waiting period, resist the temptation to tinker with your site further. Instead, monitor your website’s performance and track changes in your Core Web Vitals scores. Remember that fluctuations in your site’s ranking and user engagement can be influenced by various factors, so it’s essential to focus on long-term trends rather than short-term variations.

Once you’ve observed the impact of your initial optimizations, take a moment to celebrate your success. Then, it’s time to get back to work! Use the insights you’ve gained from assessing your improvements to identify other areas of your website that could benefit from optimization.

As you continue to fine-tune your site, consider the following:

1. Prioritize optimizations with the most significant potential impact on your Core Web Vitals scores.

2. Look for opportunities to streamline and enhance your site’s design, content, and functionality to provide an even better user experience.

3. Keep an eye on your competitors and stay informed about industry trends and best practices in web design, SEO, and digital marketing.

By maintaining a proactive and iterative approach to optimizing your website, you’ll be well-positioned to achieve long-term success and stay ahead of your competition. And remember, even small changes can yield significant improvements in your website’s performance, user experience, and search engine rankings. So keep pushing forward, and watch your website flourish!

How to Design a Website That Converts Visitors into Customers

How to Design a Website That Converts Visitors into Customers

Your website is one of your most powerful marketing tools. It’s a 24/7 salesperson that works tirelessly to promote your business and generate leads. But what good is a website if it doesn’t convert those visitors into customers? If you’re not seeing the results you want, it might be time for a redesign. Keep reading for our guide on how to design a website that converts visitors into customers.

The Anatomy of a High-Converting Website

A high-converting website has several key components. First, it must have a clear value proposition that tells visitors what you do and why they should care. Second, it needs to have a strong call to action (CTA) that encourages visitors to take the next step, whether that’s signing up for your email list or scheduling a consultation. Finally, your website must be mobile-friendly so that people can access it no matter where they are or what device they’re using.

If your website is missing any of these elements, don’t worry—there’s still time to make changes. Read on for specific tips on how to add them to your site.

Include a Clear Value Proposition

Your value proposition is the first thing people will see when they land on your website, so it’s important to make a good impression. A strong value proposition should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should also explain what you do and why someone should care.

For example, if you’re an interior designer, your value proposition might be “Create beautiful, functional, and personalized spaces.”

If you’re not sure how to craft an effective value proposition, start by brainstorming all the ways your product or service can help solve someone’s problem. Once you have a list of potential benefits, narrow it down to the one or two that are most important and relevant to your target audience. From there, you can start crafting your value proposition using the following template:


[Insert Your Business Name] + [What You Do] + [Who You Help] = [The Transformation They Can Expect].


For example, Griffon Webstudios + SEO Services + Businesses Looking to Increase Their Online Visibility = More Traffic and More Customers.


Use Power Words in Your CTA

Your CTA is what tells visitors what you want them to do next—sign up for your email list, download your e-book, etc.—so it’s important to make it as effective as possible. One way to do this is by using power words in your CTA that elicit an emotional response from readers and encourage them to take action. For example, words like “join,” “save,” “discover,” and “learn” are all great options. You can also use phrases like “get started now” or “find out more” to nudge people in the right direction. Just make sure your CTA is clear and easy to understand so that people know exactly what they need to do next.

Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

More than half of all web traffic now comes from mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, so it’s essential that your website is designed with mobile users in mind. Mobile-friendly websites are easy to navigate on small screens and load quickly—two things that are important for keeping people engaged with your site. If you’re not sure if your website is mobile-friendly, you can use Google’s free Mobile-Friendly Test Tool.

Simply enter your URL and Google will let you know if there are any issues with your site’s design or functionality on mobile devices. You can then make changes as needed so that everyone who visits your site has a positive experience, no matter what device they’re using.

By following these tips, you can design a website that is more likely to convert visitors into customers.

Branding Through Custom Web Design Services

Branding Through Custom Web Design Services

Griffon Webstudios specializes in custom web design services that meet the scalable needs of your business. From local New York startups to international e-commerce giants, we cater our development to your specific challenges and value points so you can get your brand out and generate more business.

Our web design firm uses the latest tech stacks to ensure a reliable and high-quality outcome. We blend clean layouts and interface design with valuable functionality and a desirable aesthetic aligned with today’s trends. That includes leveraging SEO and marketing methods to increase your niche market presence.

Why Custom Web Design?

Custom web design is a great way to get a website that is unique to your business. This means that it will be built in a way that reflects your brand identity and will make it easier for customers to find information about what you offer. A custom-built site also has the advantage of being designed specifically for your customers, so you’ll have an easier time generating leads and converting them into sales.

As technology continues to evolve, it’s becoming easier than ever for businesses to launch their own online stores. Websites and applications built on platforms like Shopify make it simple for entrepreneurs to sell products directly from their websites. The problem is these sites all look just like one another, making it near impossible to stand out in the marketplace.

With our web design firm, you get a unique website that allows people all over the world access to your products or services. You’ll be able to connect more closely with customers and integrate sales systems that are trackable, so you’ll know which strategies are working best.

A Modern Site for Today’s Visitors

You may have noticed that some websites are easier to use than others, and those are usually designed by someone who knows what they’re doing! A good UI UX Designer will make sure that your site is easy on the eyes, not just in terms of aesthetics but also in terms of its functionality.

For example, if you need your users to be able to find specific information quickly with minimal effort then an experienced UI UX Designer can help design those pages. We build easily accessible sites without making things look cluttered or confusing. Our designers will take into account everything from how many colors should be used on each page down to whether or not certain types of buttons should be used at all.

Having this information straight from someone who knows their stuff means fewer headaches later on down the line when people visit your site. After all, nothing’s worse than having something go wrong because there was no forethought put into any aspect whatsoever!

Griffon Webstudios is here to build a mobile responsive website that focuses on clean design, trendy styles, and optimized conversion rates. Reach out to our team today to revolutionize your online presence with the tailored-made solutions you need to reach more potential leads.

What Does It Take To Develop A Native Mobile App?

What Does it Take to Develop a Native Mobile App?

Figuring out what kind of mobile application will work best for your business can be a challenge. If you have never done any type of app development before, the learning curve to creating something new can be a little steep.

That is why it is crucial to hire a professional app development company. They will have the expertise to help you build, streamline, and launch a powerful mobile app.

What is a Native App?

A native mobile application is built using a specific language or platform for use with a particular device. These apps are installed directly through that device’s branded store like Apple’s App Store or Google Play. They operate directly on the mobile device and access specific device features like GPS for location data. So if you want an iOS app, you would use a language like Swift and design your application specifically to work on iPhones or iPads.

Where to Begin

Native app development is highly sought after because it is faster, more secure, and reliable than cross-platform or hybrid applications. The downside is they take a bit longer than other development and usually involve a higher price tag to complete. The best way to get your mobile app launched is to hire an app designer who works within the framework of your target device. They will have the experience and know-how to manage every step of the process, including:

  • Defining strategic goals
  • Analysis & Planning
  • UI/UX Design
  • Actual Native App Development
  • Testing
  • Deployment & Support

mobile app statistics

Every one of these stages is essential in developing your own native application. Of course, some design houses may use a modified version of these steps depending on the scope and price tag of your specific requirements, but for the most part, this is the basic outline of what to expect.


Why Using Native Apps Helps

Let’s go back to our original example. We are a New York-based florist with multiple locations around the city and have just completed a native app build. How does this help our business?

First, we know our clients tend to use Apple products more than anything else. So we have created a brand extension that associates our business with their favorite device. Now they are making an association between our company and one of the most trustworthy brands in the world.

Next, we can start leveraging their iOS features to our advantage. Say we launch a new ad campaign where we use push notifications through our native app so that consumers see coupon codes whenever there is an upcoming holiday or a birthday listed on their calendar.

This will encourage them to reach out and purchase some of our flower arrangements for their next special date. We can also use our native app to send notifications whenever they are within a certain perimeter of our store that says something like, “Have you sent your mom flowers recently?”

Finally, we are creating a faster connection with our target market. Native app design is all about using the device features to accelerate our customer relationships. It may cost a bit more upfront, but the benefits over the long term are well worth the investment. If you have an app idea ready to go for your business, using native app development to target your most engaged consumers is a great way to go.

Web Design Trends to Watch Out for in 2022

Web Design Trends to Watch Out for in 2022

Any website development agency will tell you that staying up to date on the latest web design trends is essential to maintain or grow your online presence. You want to appeal to your consumers with all the newest media and optimization strategies possible to differentiate your brand from the competition.

Here are a few trends to watch out for in 2022 that will help keep your online presence top of mind for your past, current, and future visitors.

Speed Matters

Our attention spans are not what they used to be. Your visitors want engaging design and attractive colors within milliseconds of landing on your website’s front page. They want to get the information required as quickly as possible. That means load times, image optimization, content placement, and other speed-boosting factors are going to be highly relevant to website development agencies as they re-design and adapt sites for the upcoming year.

It’s All About Personalization

There are so many modern tools at your disposal for creating an intimate experience with your customers. You can have content that is specifically designed to show up for specific sectors of your target market. This way, whenever they visit your website, they first see the most relevant data that speaks to their detailed user profile.

Website Personalization

There is nothing wrong with crafting content for consumers based on their tracking histories, locations, and previous interactions with your business. This offers a more personalized experience that builds upon brand loyalty and customer relationships. The more they enjoy your service, the more likely they will refer your business to their friends and family.

Cleaner Design

Don’t be surprised if the local website development agency you work with suggests leveraging more white space or a cleaner overall design for your site. This web design trend not only provides your consumers with a more mindful experience that is easier on their eyes, but it also works well with mobile responsiveness. As most modern consumers are using mobile devices to search for their favorite brands, it only makes sense to design a website that will be more attractive on their platform.

Storytelling and Multimedia

The world is finally embracing the power of a story in marketing strategies. Web design trends in 2022 will use social media integration to craft a compelling narrative to expand customer relationships. This storytelling will and should involve a lot more video content. Users spend 88% more time on pages with videos because that form of media is visually appealing and conveys your brand messaging in a simple and engaging way.

How to Adapt

If you are looking to stay relevant in the upcoming year with your online presence, hiring a professional website design agency is a great way to integrate the latest web design trends. They will have the industry knowledge to upgrade your site design and leverage new tech so you can continue offering high-quality service and products to your customers with as little interruption by your competitors as possible.


Emerging eCommerce Trends that will Dominate in 2020

eCommerce has exploded in popularity over the last few years as a growing market with exponential potential. As 2019 comes to a close, ushering in a new decade, we found it fitting to set our sights on the future of eCommerce and the trends that will catapult those to the top of their markets. Join us as we predict our 2020 visions.

Subscription model

Subscription models have dominated the eCommerce space. Offering customers, a grouping of products under an umbrella of interest, is not a new concept by any means. However, the use of the subscription model allowed sellers to capture an expanding base of users, from those intrigued by the upcoming delivery and those who forgot they were subscribed. We believe the trend will continue into 2020. 

While incorporating the ever-buzzy internet of things. For those unfamiliar, it is the interaction of electronics into neighboring ecosystems, such as a fridge able to place an online Walmart order. Thereby streamlining the purchasing process while offering consumers the convenience they so desperately crave. The internet of things represents a renewed opportunity to engage with customers on various platforms.

Experts project a significant metric of online sales that will occur on new hardware integration such as cars, appliances, and devices with voice integration. Bridging the intent to purchase with the product used to perform the purchase. Integrated marketplaces utilizing the vast capability of the internet of things.

E-commerce in 2020

eCommerce was popularized by offering products with a personalized touch. Customized products circumvent the competition by leveraging personal interest to increase the value of product rarity. We believe that this point to a future fueled by a personalized approach. 2020 will see an increase in targeted marketing. As more companies adopt a Business to Customer model or B2C, utilizing tracked data to identify purchase intent will become common practice.

Consumers will be directed towards products within their umbrella of interest at an increasing rate, further cementing eCommerce as the industry’s conversion rate champions. This personalized approach will also consolidate the shopping experience. Customers expect retailers to provide a unified transaction process across multiple disciplines. The marketplace will adjust to meet those expectations by integrating channels into a singular touchpoint. 

Customer demands will also be reflected in the representation of products. Today’s consumer is inundated by visual stimulation. Social media platforms reinforce this trend of communication through imagery. We noticed a trend over the past year as more buying power is afforded to millennials engaging in the workforce. A drastic increase in the reliance upon visual product representation continues into 2020 at an alarming rate. Causing eCommerce to adopt a visual-centric approach.

We believe renders and imagery will dictate product sales figures like never before. Positive image reinforcement is a cornerstone of eCommerce and shows no signs of stopping.

73% of consumers will switch from a poorly designed mobile site to one that makes purchasing easier. (Google)

eCommerce as a whole is on the rise making it the opportune time to enter the arena. We hope you put our prophetic visions of the future to good use. May they aid you in unlocking the immense potential that awaits your online store. For all of your eCommerce website development and online marketing needs, look no further. We bid you a very Happy New Year.


Tips To Choose The Best Web Design Company

As a web design company in New York, we see our fair share of website monstrosities. Sloppy design, low-resolution imagery, terrible user interface, the list goes on and on.

We understand the desire to shape your online presence on your own. Creating with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, the end result seldom represents the quality of the company. Web design companies exist to deliver an end result you can be proud of. A website worthy of carrying the company name. In the search for the right web design company, these are the things to consider.

Web design

Building a website requires insight into the operation of the operating company. Each design is created to capture the essence of the company that the online space is emulating. In short, a well-designed website operates within the confines of the requirements provided.

By addressing and assessing these requirements you can focus on creating a personalized online presence that suits your needs and desires. Different purposes can often shape fundamental building blocks of the website.

With overall purpose informing each detail. From presentation to operation. The intended audience plays a significant part in interface and design. Creating a cohesive and comprehensive interface remains at the forefront of every design. The goal is to serve all audiences regardless of computer competency in order to maximize interaction.

Website Development

The design is merely a starting point. Development is required to grow and sustain. Remaining current and embracing the online space is crucial for continued success. Amassing an audience can be a slow process, build quality content to encourage repeat interaction.

Removing the hurdles for customers should be your primary focus. eCommerce websites rely heavily on simplistic design with a personalized touch. Leaving customers with a feeling that the company and product are unique to them. This fosters a relationship between company and consumer. Keep that relationship strong by improving their overall experience.   

Most modern website designs incorporate scalable builds for mobile interface. The frustration of perusing a website ill-formatted for mobile use is no longer acceptable considering their universal usage. All of these factors come into play when planning your website.

Adaptability is crucial in the online space. Innovations are released at a rapid pace with trends exploding onto the scene. Remaining current keeps your audience engaged and happy. Resulting in continued usage while building a reputation for dependability. 

Choose the Best Web Design Firm

The art of web design is capturing the beauty in purpose. Building every element in support of the whole. Achieving the vision of the company and offering proper representation in the online space.

Griffon Webstudios prides in our ability to create personalized websites for our clients. Built on years of dedication mastering our craft. Still filled with the hunger to learn more to maintain our status as the premier web design specialist. We cater to the requirements of businesses big and small. We are honored by the trust placed in our ability.   


How Content Marketing Builds Your Business?

Success in Modern Business

The concept of success is defined in many ways. In business, success manifests in two primary categories. Profitability and Growth. Many emphasize the former as it directly impacts sustainability, requiring a continuous feed of revenue to continue normal operations.

This leaves the latter considerably underdeveloped leaving substantial growth potential left untouched. In order to truly succeed business must deploy methods that encourage profitability and growth simultaneously.

Necessary Currency

Content Marketing is the solution. A stagnant user base can seal the fate of even the most revolutionary ideas. The adage “if a tree falls alone in the woods, does it make a sound?” seems aptly applicable. The event is elevated by witnesses. This viewership adds value. Users or customers are crucial to establishing a sustainable business. They are the necessary currency.

An increased user-base directly correlates to increased value. There are many methods available, though few have shown as much promise in a condensed timeframe as proper content marketing. Our singular goal is to maximize your growth utilizing content marketing and build a stronger business.

Appropriate Audience

As local SEO experts, we understand the importance of delivering the right content to the appropriate audience. Many competitors rely on overall metrics without out concerning themselves with the viewership they attain. The leads they are providing are simply not actionable.

As an example, imagine approaching an individual shopping for an elegant pair of high heels. You approach this individual with a competitively priced bicycle that is sure to elate a cycling enthusiast.

However much to your chagrin, the individual turns you down alleging that it has been years since they have ridden. Understand that in this instance the product is not at fault rather the selected audience. Content marketing utilizes popular search terms and phrases to deliver the appropriate audience. Presenting customers that have a preexisting interest in the product you provide.


Customers want to purchase. Consumer mentality exists as both a byproduct of cultural upbringing and an instinctive borderline primal desire. A desire to have. As product providers, we must understand what separates our products from the competition. We must understand our value proposition and develop a message that supports those claims.

The importance of deploying a properly develop marketing strategy cannot be understated. We rely heavily on the moment to moment stimulation for our decision process. The purchasing process is no different. Operating primarily based on mindshare.

Our experience as a top tier of local SEO provides valuable insights. Displaying our unique ability to deliver time and time again in regard to marketing strategy and developing innovative marketing ideas.


We provide companies with vital market experience. Operating as a trusted Search Engine Optimization provider, Our knowledge of current infrastructure allows us to offer unparalleled results. Dedicated to delivering the professional experience our partners have come to expect.

Uniquely positioned to provide the necessary tools to significantly impact growth. Harnessing years of experience to realize the entirety of your company’s underlying potential. Together we can achieve.


What Is A Good Conversion Rate And How Can It Be Achieved?

Your business goal is to bring profits and in order to do that, you need to track your customer engagement and conversion ratio. The question is what’s a good conversion rate and how can your business achieve that?

First, Let’s define what a conversion is. It is when you guide your website visitors or your in-store walk-ins (who are intended to just browse the products) into actual buying customers. Whether you do that in your e-commerce website or at your brick-and-mortar store, a high conversion rate signifies a better return on investment (ROI) for your business

What is a good conversion rate?

Research shows that defining a good conversion rate depends on the industry you are in. Google rates in the past have shown that the average in selected landing page conversion rates was less than 3 percent, however, the industries in the top 25 percent of online businesses were getting a conversion rate of more than 5 percent.

Do you want your company to appear in the top 1 percent of the e-commerce conversion rates? You then need to convert 12 percent of your website visitors into paid customers.

So, if you are seeing a conversion rate on your site at less than these or even if they are right on point, there are still ways to increase them and get an even better ROI.

Ways to Get a Higher Conversion Rate

1. Vary what you are offering the customers

Most of the time a company has a default template/offer that they use on their landing pages. It usually looks similar to what the other businesses in that niche are offering to their clients.

For instance, many places offer a free consultation or meeting to new clients or some sort of free gift. People start thinking this is the norm and may get bored and think all companies and therefore all their products are the same.

  1. So, how do you shake things up and offer something more creative to your visitors?
  2. What unique and more compelling thing could entice your potential clients to help you in increasing sales?

You need to determine what your company can give to a new customer that your competitors aren’t giving them. Something that will make them loyal to your company and choose to buy your products or services instead of those from the competition.

2. Use Remarketing Strategies

Studies have shown that more than 85 percent of website visitors don’t convert into buying customers. However, if you properly use remarking tactics and send these people relevant and targeted messages, they could end up part of your e-commerce gains.

161% Conversion Rate Rise From Google Remarketing Campaigns

You do this by creating pertinent information that shows up on other online sites, social media, via email, youtube videos, or search engines. You must convince your visitors that you have the means to solve their problem or meet their needs via the content you place where they are sure to see it and decide to buy from you.

3. Try out different types of landing pages

Another reason your visitors may not be converting into paying customers is that they probably don’t like your landing page. You can up your odds as well as your conversion rate by trying out different types of landing pages to see which one helps you to increase sales.

How obvious is your call to action? You may think your directions to visitors are simple but are you making it easy for them to answer that call to action?

For instance, if you are asking your visitors to give you a call, Is your phone number easily visible and placed at the right spot? If you are asking them to provide their email address, is your contact form simple to understand? It’s always the little things that make or break your conversion rate.

4. Ask website or store visitors what they want or need

Don’t try to guess the needs and desires of your potential customers. You should provide a means for your visitors and your paying customers to provide feedback.

70% of unhappy customers whose problems are resolved are willing to shop with a business again

For instance, if you have a Facebook page for your business, Are you answering questions posted there by your prospects and customers? The speed at which you interact with people can be a determining factor in the number of conversions you get.

5. Establish your business as a leader in your niche

It’s impossible to get a higher conversion rate if you aren’t even getting enough people to come to your store or visit your website. You must ensure that potential customers know that your store or website exists and they trust your company as an expert in your niche.

You can do this by creating a blog on your website or on social media providing insights and tips on how your products or services can meet the needs of your potential customers.

This makes your company show up in search engine results for all keywords related to your products/services. Make sure that the content you post is always relevant and up to date or you will end up doing the opposite and scare your potential customers to run away and not buy from your store.

6. Traditionary PR Methods

Don’t give up on traditional public relations strategies. Especially if you are trying to shoot up your sales in your physical store, you can still get a lot of bang for the buck from radio or TV commercials, holding a live event, mailing out coupons, or doing mobile shout outs.

The bottom line is that getting a higher conversion rate will help your e-commerce sales, as well as your physical sales, improve, and lead to a better ROI for your business.